This show will exhibit two of Cynthia’s larger and relatively unseen works:

Interiors for Lovers: Mulberry & Lime November 6 – 30, 2024 (shown is detail of It's Okay to Fall in Love)
This show will exhibit two of Cynthia’s larger and relatively unseen works:
(the mother of this image…) The Search (from Freedom Summer Paintings)
Freedom Summer Paintings: A Mississippi Summer of Harassment, Terrorism and Progress.
ArtsPlace Gallery
161 North Mill Street
(859) 255-2951
Fifty years later the reverberation is still felt from Freedom Summer. Presenting some of the actualities of that summer is a commemoration project that will serve as an educational tool for the public.
Join Cynthia Ryan Kelly as she displays a series of paintings in ArtsPlace Gallery.
Download Arts Showcase Weekend brochure presented by LexArts for March 6-8, 2015
Through New Editions Gallery Cynthia sold two pieces (Just Like It Is and The Last of the Great Chicken Houses) to the University of Kentucky Medical Center.
Additional information on artwork and activism.
LexArts Past Programs & Exhibitions. “Stories About Mountaintop Removal” painting exhibition. June 16 – August 20, 2006
The Lexington Project. Additional write-up on “Stories About Mountaintop Removal” exhbition.
Artists for Peace. Featured artist, Cynthia Ryan Kelly.
The Kentucky Foundation for Women – Artist Enrichment Grantees.
I Love Mountains Day
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, 2006 Highlights.
Mountaintop Removal Clearinghouse
A blog dedicated to the subject of mountaintop removal and coal mining.