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New Editions Gallery-group exhibition July 18-September 2017
This show will exhibit two of Cynthia’s larger and relatively unseen works:

On semi-permanent display at ArtsPlace

(the mother of this image…) The Search (from Freedom Summer Paintings)
Freedom Summer Paintings Exhibit March 6 – April 30 at ArtsPlace Gallery
Freedom Summer Paintings: A Mississippi Summer of Harassment, Terrorism and Progress.
ArtsPlace Gallery
161 North Mill Street
(859) 255-2951
Fifty years later the reverberation is still felt from Freedom Summer. Presenting some of the actualities of that summer is a commemoration project that will serve as an educational tool for the public.
Join Cynthia Ryan Kelly as she displays a series of paintings in ArtsPlace Gallery.
Download Arts Showcase Weekend brochure presented by LexArts for March 6-8, 2015
Through New Editions Gallery Cynthia sold two pieces (Just Like It Is and The Last of the Great Chicken Houses) to the University of Kentucky Medical Center.

Artwork & Activism
Additional information on artwork and activism.
LexArts Past Programs & Exhibitions. “Stories About Mountaintop Removal” painting exhibition. June 16 – August 20, 2006
The Lexington Project. Additional write-up on “Stories About Mountaintop Removal” exhbition.
Artists for Peace. Featured artist, Cynthia Ryan Kelly.
The Kentucky Foundation for Women – Artist Enrichment Grantees.
I Love Mountains Day
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, 2006 Highlights.
Mountaintop Removal Clearinghouse
A blog dedicated to the subject of mountaintop removal and coal mining.